Triple APOD - November 16, 2024: Sadr Widefield in Foraxx Palette by Tyler Olteanu All-Star Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day - Click to Enlarge

Triple APOD - November 16, 2024: Sadr Widefield in Foraxx Palette by Tyler Olteanu

Making images out of narrowband data is inherently artistic in nature. Choices need to be made about how the wavelength or wavelengths are assigned colour wise, as well as their relative intensities to each other. Playing with these factors change how visually pleasing your image is, but it does have scientific merit too, in that it can emphasize or hide information brought out in your image. Scripts like Foraxx can dynamically assign colours and values to input narrowband, even from non-monochrome sensors like Tyler's camera he used for this amazing wide view of the heart of the Cygnus region!

from Tyler:

  • ZWO AM5
  • Rokinon 135mm lens set to f2.8
  • ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera, -10°C, 120 gain
  • Askar C1 colour magic HaOiii filter
  • Svbony 60mm guide scope
  • Svbony SV905C guide camera
  • 399 × 120s subs calibrated with Darks, Flats and Dark Flats
  • Captured in NINA utilizing PHD2 and Stellarium
  • Integrated and processed in Pixinsight

Imaging dates September 21, September 24 and September 25 of 2024
Kelowna, BC, Canada
My Astrophotography page on Instagram is @astro.reverie

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